понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

anniversary favor golden wedding

*You, yes, you on a walk through the woods~ You encounter a tree falling down upon the path, blocking your way~ (it appears to have been... Gnawed away at the base?) *


*A bunch of Gema Gema Gang members jump up from behind the tree and land surrounding you, while Pyocola runs along the tree to the middle, standing above you; all are wearing colored napkins over their faces as if they were bandanas*

This is a stick up-pyo Drop all your toys and candy-pyo

((Note: Yes, this happens to more than one person. She goes up the road and repeats the process, tree gnawing and everything. She has, in fact, rehearsed this.))
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

crystal falls leander texas

So I�found out that Sara is an Ares. Iapos;m supposed to really get along with Ares people.

...I suppose, too, that itapos;s entirely possible that her religious psuedo-involvement and a general lack of willingness to accept her own actions *REALLY*�killed our interaction. That, and while I looked good, I was a completely relationship-incapable at the time. (Some, most even, might beg the question of whatapos;s changed. *rueful chuckle*) Ares.. Damn. Iapos;dapos;ve never picked her for an Ares.. But then, Iapos;dapos;ve never picked Then-Me for largely giving a damn about who she was beyond (or as a part of)�the Drama Queen Whoreslut I�was dating. My.� And Katieapos;s a Virgo.. Which puts a lot of things into perspective, but really breaks my theory about me and Virgo women (other than that we just donapos;t work well together as a partnership unit; however she has proven that we can be friends.. Good friends, if taken in whole.)

Interesting. So, anyone, by chance, know any pagan/atheist-leaning Ares ladies?�*Grins*
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f distributions


A little about me: Iapos;m a lesbian with hetero tendencies. Iapos;m black and Iapos;m 20. I live in New Jersey. I wanted to move to Japan since I was fourteen and Iapos;m still hoping to make that dream come true. There are a few obstacles though, but to make a long story short my plan is to continue going to school so that I can get my nursing degree and pay off my student loans. Iapos;m going to continue to study the language and try and visit Japan as often as I can.
What am I looking for? My partner in crime *laughs* A fellow non straight person would be a plus but if not itapos;s totally fine. Itapos;s just that all the people that I know are either well on their way to Japan or not planning on moving there at all. Theyapos;re just huge fans. I need someone that is learning the language and is trying to take things slow in order to get to there. We could help each other learn the language. Iapos;ve been looking for this person for a REALLY long time and Iapos;ve just decided that I would cross post this in as many communities as I possibly can and hope for the best. Maybe Iapos;ll find the perfect person in addition to a couple of other people and we could all get to know each other ^__^ Wish me luck

Contact info:
aim: eiennomadoromi
yahoo: misswadadli0830

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counter retail store

I feel like happiness exists in the most simple of moments. Times that werenapos;t incredible, noteworthy or otherwise memorable but there is that smile or thing that warmed your heart and it sticks with you. I love these moments. What makes them unique is that it is impossible to share the feeling of these moments with someone else later. Its like a little secret that you keep to yourself. The kind of secret that brings a knowing grin to your face and brightens your day when it comes to mind.

Maybe thats why some people find themselves on an eternal "quest for happiness." They are so busy looking for it that they donapos;t realize its happening all around them but its just a bit quieter than they might have imagined. Not that I think Iapos;ve discovered the happiness or anything.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

electric moped 800w

Schieffer: Letapos;s stop there, because I want to get in a question on education and Iapos;m afraid this is going to have to be our last question, gentlemen.

The question is this: the U.S. Spends more per capita than any other country on education. Yet, by every international measurement, in math and science competence, from kindergarten through the 12th grade, we trail most of the countries of the world.

The implications of this are clearly obvious. Some even say it poses a threat to our national security.

Do you feel that way and what do you intend to do about it?

: Sen. McCain?

McCain: Well, itapos;s the civil rights issue of the 21st century. Thereapos;s no doubt that we have achieved equal access to schools in America after a long and difficult and terrible struggle.

But what is the advantage in a low income area of sending a child to a failed school and that being your only choice?

So choice and competition amongst schools is one of the key elements thatapos;s already been proven in places in like New Orleans and New York City and other places, where we have charter schools, where we take good teachers and we reward them and promote them.

And we find bad teachers another line of work. And we have to be able to give parents the same choice, frankly, that Sen. Obama and Mrs. Obama had and Cindy and I had to send our kids to the school -- their kids to the school of their choice.

Charter schools arenapos;t the only answer, but theyapos;re providing competition. They are providing the kind of competitions that have upgraded both schools -- types of schools.

Now, throwing money at the problem is not the answer. You will find that some of the worst school systems in America get the most money per student.

So I believe that we need to reward these good teachers.

We need to encourage programs such as Teach for America and Troops to Teachers where people, after having served in the military, can go right to teaching and not have to take these examinations which -- or have the certification that some are required in some states.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

airport long parking sydney term

I saw it again. But before i go into details i should explain again what happened the first time.

Ok, i think it happened last friday. It was after Megan left after our "ladies night" dinner. Jenny and i were still sort of pumped so decided to brush up on our beer pong skills (to prepare for our party and we had to christen our new table we had just bought earlier that evening). Now we didnt want to get too drunk so we were drinking beers while playing but playing with water in the cups. After one of the games, I decided that i would make some food. Ok so i am there in the kitchen messin with the food on the stove, and Jenny walked through the kitchen and disappeared into the hallway to do something. A min or so later i felt that something had entered the room, and assuming it was Jenny, i turned around and just as i asked "hey do you want some?" a figure walked through the living room. It was looking straight forward, didnt seem to acknowledge i was there, and was walking in the oddest direction, towards the fireplace. It startled me, but after it happened i didnt think much of it the rest of the evening.

ok...so last night.

I woke up in the middle of the night startled. I woke up in a panic, my hands sore and bleeding, and then thats when i realized i had just woke up from a night terror. I had had an energy drink earlier that night, and knowing those trigger a wide variety of my parasomnias, i was easily able to calm myself down. Once i was fully conscious and no longer panicing i went to the bathroom to freshen up and wash the blood off my hands (i chew my hands when i have night terrors). I returned from the bathroom, opened my door, and saw it right infront of me. It was dark in my room so what i saw was just something even darker. But right infront of me. It was very much like what i had seen in the hallway outside the bathroom several times before. However, it was strange, because it didnt freak me out at all. I simply said "excuse me" becasue i figured since it was infront of me i should be at least polite and because i also wanted to acknowledge that i knew it was there. I walked past it, turned around, and it was gone.

not sure it was the same as the person walking through my living room. But it didnt seem overtly threatening. I am assuming that it is the same thing as what i have seen outside the bathroom in my hallway, and quite possibly the same thing that opened my bathroom door that one time, and maybe even perhaps the same thing that messes with my closet doors.

i wasnt frightened by this "thing" which makes me think that it is completly harmless and even playful if it is the one opening and closing my closet doors. Now i am thinking that it may even have a senstitive watchful side to it...was it in my room because i was having a night terror? was it concerned? curious?

OR was it trying to get my attention? it very well could have entered my room, standing right inside my doorway, to confront me. And in that case, thats sort of aggressive. And even a tad ominous. I guess we will have to see.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

curious george paperbacks

Oops... So I forgot to post last night. You didnapos;t miss anything on the holiday front though. I didnapos;t even come close to celebrating World Egg Day. I didnapos;t eat any eggs. I didnapos;t think about eggs. I didnapos;t even have any eggs in my house. But, in case you were wondering where World Egg Day came from, it was the International Egg Commission. Yup, those friendly folks responsible for all of those "incredible edible egg" commercials
(which I didnapos;t see any of whatsoever yesterday). They pretty much founded a day. As they put it "World Egg Day is a unique opportunity to help raise awareness of the benefits of eggs and is celebrated in countries all around the world." Where they get the idea that itapos;s "unique" is waaaay beyond me. Donapos;t they run those announcements on TV all the time? Plus, how do they raise awareness? Because if theyapos;re relying on those commercials again, they donapos;t tell us so much about eggs, just that theyapos;re incredible... And edible, in case we werenapos;t aware. Still, I probably should have had at least one egg in celebration... Oh well, too late now...

Because now itapos;s Bald is Beautiful Day Well, for me it is. Because all of the sources Iapos;ve found since that ill-fated first one have said it was over a month ago. But Iapos;m celebrating anyway Except that by "celebrating" I mean hanging out with Josh... My boyfriend... And roommate... Who I hang out with every day... But what the hay Heapos;s balding What else am I supposed to do? Shave my head? Definitely not an option... Iapos;ll just tell everyone my head is bald, but itapos;s undercover. So there

And, about work. I think itapos;s going to be okay. I got put in with 2nd and 3rd graders after school. They donapos;t even get there until 20 minutes AFTER I do, so my shift starts out with... Nothing. Theyapos;re hellions, but itapos;s only 4 hours, anyway, so there isnapos;t much time to get too annoyed. I think Iapos;m going to have to tell them that I need off their sub list, though, so I can get another job in the mornings. As for the people I work with... Theyapos;re generally nice. I think about 98 of people in childcare are women, about about 70 of them either are or look like sluts. Which bothers me on a lot of levels, but what can I do? Anywho, Iapos;ll keep all... 3.. Of... You... Updated

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~ Last night Erik and I stayed up much too late watching�LAST�OF�THE�MOHICANS. I still love that movie.�Erik had never seen it and also liked it. I think the thing I�like most about it is Daniel�Day Lewis exuding hottitude. And the music. And�Wes Studi as the malevolent but highly badass Magua. Makes me wish my Native American heritage was Huron.

~ Blake curses me for making him watch�SLEEPAWAY�CAMP. I still love it. In fact,�I found the song from it and now have it on my iTunes. Iapos;m proud of myself Itapos;s so unbelievably cheesy. Were Erik and�I�not already costumed for Halloween this year,�Iapos;d definitely find some way to be Angela�Baker for the occasion.

~ We have a photographer�Itapos;s official now, the contract is signed and weapos;re going to have engagement photos taken in early November.�It just took us a year to get that done. Ah well, Iapos;m still excited.

~ I have a couple parts of my Halloween costume already (grey sweater, white blouse, and black shoes).�I�need the rest of the Gryffindor uniform (non robe) by Halloween, as I�now have a party Iapos;m attending. So thatapos;s a tie, a grey skirt, and grey knee socks. Erik just needs a green tie and heapos;s done.�Iapos;m envious. We both have wands. Maybe we can go out to Savers tonight.�And Target for the socks part.

~ Iapos;m going to an apple orchard on�Sunday with�Megan, hopefully. We need to work out the details. I love Fall

~ We organized the cupboards yesterday. It feels much more controlled. I managed to find room for the liquer glasses my Mom schlepped off on me from Grandmaapos;s move.

~�I need to get dressed. And continue working on my resume. Fun fun.

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

depscor 2005 announcement

Overall, the weekend has been pretty darn sucky.�

However, a bright point was looking through the downloadable songs for Rock Band 2 and seeing "Skullcrusher Mountain."� And then finding that we had the EXACT amount of points to buy it.

On a related note:� Jonathan Coulton will be performing at the Moore theater on January 23rd (with Paul and Storm, too).� Tickets are $23 and there are still lots of seats available.� And do yourself a favor and go to the Moore or the Paramount box office to get your tickets - youapos;ll save the�$9 PER�TICKET user fee that Ticketmaster charges.

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